What is Bellingham Story Hour?
Bellingham Story Hour is a platform for community connection through true storytelling in Bellingham, WA. Anyone is invited to share their true stories, unscripted, without notes, at the monthly Story Shares, or develop their stories with other storytellers at the workshops. As part of my undergrad business degree, I worked with Bellingham Story Hour in their first few months to better understand the needs of an emerging creative practice.

Who is Bellingham Story Hour?
Kamarie Chapman, Co-Founder

Kamarie is a playwrighting professor at Western Washington University. Kamarie has written plays, directed new works readings, and advocated for inclusive practices in higher education.
Krissa Woiwod, Co-Founder

Krissa is a writer, storyteller, and community organizer. Krissa also owns and operates Sparkle Magic Sound Therapy, helping people connect to their bodies through deep listening.
Kaitlin Losansky, apprentice

Kaitlin is an emerging playwright and theatre administrator. Kaitlin also has a history of championing public art projects in higher education.
What were my objectives?
- Understand the daily operations and considerations of an emerging arts organization through its beginning stages
- Practice marketing strategies and determine what makes a new strategy a “good fit” for the organization
- Develop ways to increase and diversify audience members
Check out the Appendix for the practicum contract!